aceofhadeon wrote in capslock_hood Sep 27, 2009 20:53
the mother fucking vids, is gisborne hot or is gisborne hot?, ace is your crazy neighbor in the haunte, princejohnissoexciting, caps!chat is cooler than lace-up pants, guy of gisborne, guh of gisborne, ginger watch 2009, challenge this!, look what boredom has made me do, what time is it? forfeit o'clock, hell yes this is poetry, love!guy, lost scene, you've been guhed, guy/peej slashy angst, oh fuck it's hot men, richard teh sex, prince john, caps!chat is awesomer than gisborne's ne, hold my hand, the peej
starbuck_a_dale wrote in capslock_hood Sep 02, 2009 19:09
why in fuck is there no will tag i thoug, call me sir, oh fuck it's hot men, behind the scenes, , it's a forfeit, challenge this!, pictures that you mastrb8 to, , dammit! paying the price
spamjoe wrote in capslock_hood Aug 03, 2009 18:25
hawt mens, music gets the mood aliiiive, oh fuck it's hot men, the sheriff is your daddy, dancing fools, yummy, porn!
starbuck_a_dale wrote in capslock_hood Jul 18, 2009 10:28
unf, la di da di da, call me sir, axe/bow, caps!chat is cooler than lace-up pants, damn this comm is yellow, guy of gisborne, why does much get all the shit?, tree!porn is always relevant, rewatch saturday, i see you shiver with anticip......ation, let's make friends, evil love, life, what a fucking weirdo, pour quoi?, pictures that you mastrb8 to, badassery, serious business y'all, porn!, recap, replay friday, why is there no tag for llamas?, it's all lalumena's fault, oh fuck it's hot men, robin makes unintentionally hilarious fa, swing with the slash, true sherwood love, , i can see the future, bad men with hot weapons, shut up kate, dammit! paying the price, allan a dale is the shit, allan's nose (wink, is gisborne hot or is gisborne hot?, terribly terribly bad, deep thoughts, guh of gisborne, because vaisey was definately fucking gu, look what boredom has made me do, i am lame, game time, affairs of the bow, slashy love, you've been guhed, awesome otps, armitage is the guh, kiss and tell, too stupid for tags, fa la la la la, motivate me, , your input is needed, guy of gisborne=iron man, whoa check out the size of it!, what a fucking control freak, haha, tree!porn, the sheriff is your daddy, hold my hand, vids of awesomeness, gags
starbuck_a_dale wrote in capslock_hood Jul 03, 2009 10:13
oh fuck it's hot men
starbuck_a_dale wrote in capslock_hood Apr 25, 2009 13:44
richard teh sex, i can see the future, oh fuck it's hot men, hold my hand, guh of gisborne
starbuck_a_dale wrote in capslock_hood Mar 06, 2009 12:16
oh fuck it's hot men, !replay friday, your input is needed